When plate becomes “precious”

Lean Production

When plate becomes “precious”

To describe a gold plate as “precious” before it its turned into a coin , a gold bullion bar  or a bracelet is easily said. Isn’t maybe a lead plate just as precious, that is the one which shall be afterwards inserted into batteries, delivered as standard equipment together with our vehicles? Can the production of four tons plate per hour be considered as a precious procedure? This is true according to “Famor’s” point of view!

Everything is precious, starting from a private minting institute, to the governmental Printing and Minting one, to the most important battery production site in the world.

This feature is the outcome of the Famor working team’s will: it is due to Marco’s, Walter’s, Daniele’s, Federico’s, Eng., Enrico’s, Graziano’s resolution as well as to the determination of all people who commit themselves to keep a leading position within the sector from a technological point of view. Our company’s supremacy within the market is such, that our competitors are forced to struggle along trying to follow us.

Famor, has been the first company to offer completely automated rolling mills. It has been the first one to offer multiple-head machines. It has been the first one to offer multi-channel machines. It has been the first one, since 1986, to make all metals become precious!